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Review of Advocacy

Strong governance is at the heart of what we do

People First is governed by a Board of Trustees, their role is to set the strategy (plan) for the organisation, monitor progress, support the CEO and ensure we deliver high quality services.

Our Board has a mixture of customers (people with experience of using our services), and professionals. Each bringing their skills and talents to the table, helping us be the very best we can be.

The Board of Trustees meets every other month and discuss topics such as:

  • Our strategy (plan)
  • Challenges
  • Our customers needs
  • Our staff
  • Leadership
  • Quality assurance
  • Safeguarding
  • Finance

Our Board of Trustees are not involved in the day to day running of the organisation, this is down to our CEO David Blacklock and his senior team.

Our CEO provides a report to the board and our 3 directors attend to give updates and be part of the boards work.

Like most charities our board meetings aren’t public, however to help with transparency and openness we have two meetings a year where the public can attend, at these meetings we focus on our Healthwatch work, as there is a requirement to make decisions about Healthwatch in public.

Professional Board members are appointed via an open recruitment process, During 2024 we will be establishing advisory groups of customers to help guide our work, in future Trustees with Lived Experience will be nominated by our advisory Boards.

Our board is supported by our company secretary who makes sure meetings work well and that the charity sticks to the rules set out by the charity commission and companies house.

If you are interested in being one of our professional board members please do get in touch for more information. If you’re a customer please contact us to find out about joining our advisory boards.