Welcome to the Healthwatch Lancashire monthly newsletter.
October has been an exciting month for Healthwatch Lancashire and as usual, our team has been super busy attending events in Lancashire and visiting healthcare organisations across the county. Here is everything we got up to!
Our Engagement: Knit and Knatter, Rawtenstall
We have just launched the new 'Our Engagement' section of our website where each month two of our engagement officers will be sharing the details of an event they have attended and how they were able to offer support.
This month, Louise attended a Knit and Knatter event in Rawtensall where she spoke with 9 people about their knowledge of Healthwatch’s work and discussed our current projects – Disability Voices and Women’s Health.
At this event, the main issues that people raised were surrounding dementia and caring for family members who unfortunately have this disease.
You can read more about this event below.

Thank you.
We want to thank every one of you who took the time to complete our Women's Health survey.
We had over 300 responses and each one will help us to determine the key issues to focus on as we begin phase 2 of this project!

Where Are We in November 2024?
Getting out and meeting our local community is crucial to amplifying their voices. Discover all of the events we will be attending in November 2024. Come down for a chat and friendly advice👋
Discover our November calendar.

Emmy and Steve Visit Connections in Accrington
Emmy and Steve recently headed to Accrington to visit some of our partner organisations. They visited Carers Link Lancashire, Lancashire Women and East Lancs Voices to discuss our ongoing projects.

Our Enter and View at The Glen Care Home
Recently, Healthwatch Lancashire visited The Glen Care Home in Morecambe. An enter-and-view is when our team visits a healthcare setting and evaluates it by talking with patients and staff, producing a report with any necessary recommendations.
At The Glen Care Home, our team talked to 15 residents, 2 relatives and 7 members of staff about how they feel about living, visiting and working at the home.
One resident talked a little bit about the level of care at The Glen. They said: “They are really good; they listen to me when I tell them what I want and they usually sort it out."
Healthwatch Lancashire made several recommendations to The Glen Care Home to improve things like dementia-friendliness and the safety of residents.
Overall, our team were impressed by The Glen Care Home.

"Every voice counts when it comes to shaping the future of services and improving them"
Share your experiences of accessing local health and care services by visiting our online Feedback Centre.

Thanks for reading, see you in November!
From everyone at Healthwatch Lancashire, we hope you have a happy and healthy month.