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Julian's Story: The impact of Relevant Person's Representation
The following case study demonstrates Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy through the role of Relevant Person’s Representation for someone subject to a Deprivation of Liberty…
Advocacy: Beneath the surface.
During their induction period new advocates are asked to reflect on their learning, why advocacy is crucial and what advocacy means to them. Over the years this has been delivered…
Expanding your care skills knowledge
As part of our partnership with DAD (Darlington Association on Disability) and Disability North, to provide fully funded training sessions for Personal Care Assistants and those…
Healthwatch Lancashire: September Newsletter
Welcome to the Healthwatch Lancashire monthly newsletter. We have had a busy month at Healthwatch Lancashire, from events to new projects. Here is everything we have been up to in…
Healthwatch Cumberland's September news
Did you see the Healthwatch team at Carlisle Pride? September was another busy month at Healthwatch Cumberland! Below, you can find out what we have been up to. We had a great…
The People First Awards 2024: Celebrating achievements and launching Creating Careers
Guests from across the county gathered to celebrate the People First Awards this week in a unique awards ceremony for Cumbria. The ceremony, held at The Halston Hotel…
East Lancashire Voices: Summer newsletter
Catch up with the latest news from our East Lancashire Voices Self-Advocacy group in our Summer Newsletter If you would like to know more about our self advocacy groups please…
Announcing our new training sessions for Personal Care Assistants and their employers.
We are thrilled to announce a new exciting partnership with DAD (Darlington Association on Disability) and Disability North, and funded by Skills for Care, to provide fully funded…
In-Cumbria Finalist Announcement
It’s official, The People First Conference Centre has been selected as a finalist in this year’s In-Cumbria Business Awards.  We are delighted and honoured! Thank you to all…