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Volunteering Spotlight: Samantha's Story

I started volunteering at Healthwatch Cumberland in September 2023 as an engagement and signposting volunteer.

I wanted to volunteer as I began to feel better after a long relapse of my long term health condition of M.E/CFS which had left me very unwell, isolated and lacking confidence. I chose Healthwatch to volunteer for as I was interested in making a difference and being an engagement volunteer seemed like a varied and interesting role with the aim of improving local health services for people.

I also chose Healthwatch as the commitment was flexible being able to sign up for community engagements that suited me and my health limitations.

I was also unexpectedly given the opportunity to work from home on a new Healthwatch signposting resource when I expressed an interest in signposting. I knew the ability to effectively signpost people to relevant support played an important role in improving people’s health from my time working for Age UK.

I have really enjoyed volunteering for Healthwatch as it has given me confidence and made me feel part of a team again. Everyone is very friendly and encouraging. I also really appreciate being given the opportunity to work on the signposting resource to be used by the Healthwatch team as I have found it very interesting researching local services which can support people to improve their health and well-being.

If you are considering volunteering for Healthwatch I would say go for it!

If you would like to know more about volunteering opportunities in your area you can read more by clicking here or you can contact our Volunteer Coordinator Michelle Taylor at [email protected]