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Volunteering Spotlight: Rosemary's Story

Hi I'm Rosemary and I live near Kendal, which is where I came across the Healthwatch stand during a volunteer fair. Since expressing interest and completing the application process I underwent some online training in key areas and waited to see what happened!!

It is early days for the new council area in live in but already I have participated in, and enabled,  consultation about communication needs for local communities and individuals with healthcare agencies with particular reference to my own town.

It was also very useful to attend the launch conference last October and meet a variety of people from and linked to Healthwatch.

Through my volunteering role I attended an open day at Kirkby Stephen GP surgery and a health and wellbeing fair at Ambleside. I am learning a lot and try to feedback useful information to my local community organisations. I have also participated in a few online meetings relating to the projects in hand and have opportunities to do more if I had more time!

Recently I undertook the ‘Enter and View’ training so that will be another way to get involved in due course.

I have found the organisation and its people friendly, personable and supportive, flexible and open. Once retired as I am, it is easy to lose touch with contemporary issues and practice, so volunteering is a good way of keeping up to date. Healthwatch is an important body locally and nationally; health is a very important aspect of peoples’ lives and I hope I can make a small contribution to making sure the healthcare people receive is the best possible.

If you would like to know more about volunteering opportunities in your area you can read more by clicking here or you can contact our Volunteer Coordinator Michelle Taylor at [email protected]