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Volunteering Spotlight: Will's Story

Since my teenage years I have struggled with my mental health and this was made worse by alcohol misuse. It took me many years to accept, and ultimately led me to The Well. A local Treatment Centre for people with alcohol & drug issues. Once my time was done there and I was living independently I thought it would be wise to start volunteering instead of rushing straight back into work. I did not want to overwhelm myself with the pressure of a full time job and cause myself any setbacks. I found out about People First through my Mam who works as an expert by experience. 

The biggest lesson I have taken from my time in The Well is the importance of connection and this is what I get from volunteering. By helping others I am in-turn helping myself. Volunteering has offered me structure and purpose. I have learned how to be reliable and get a glimpse into what my life will look like once I am back into full time work. For many years I self-sabotaged and unfortunately wasted opportunities. 

People First has given me the chance to develop as a person and continue the work I did in Treatment. I feel confident because of what volunteering has offered me and a change has been made in my behaviour.

 I have found so much joy getting to know the staff and learners at people first. They have become a big part of the healthy community I have put together since getting sober and progressing as a person. They have helped me become the person I am proud of today. I have gained more compassion and understanding for those with disabilities and for the day to day struggles they face. In fact, I believe everyone could learn from them. They are kind, caring, genuine and respectful. I feel very comfortable to be myself around them and feel privileged to support them.

If you would like to know more about volunteering opportunities in your area you can read more by clicking here or you can contact our Volunteer Coordinator Michelle Taylor at [email protected]