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SeeAbility Eye Care Champion Visits Self Advocacy Groups
This week, Dave Spencer, a SeeAbility Eye Care Champion, paid a visit to our Carlisle and Kendal Self Advocacy Groups. Interactive and thought-provoking, Dave’s visit was planned…
Mental Health Awareness Coffee Morning with CALM
Cake. Coffee. Chat. This morning as part of our Time to Change Pledge, People First hosted a coffee morning to recognise World Mental Health Day. Coming together, our learners,…
Jade's Story The Impact of Advocacy
Jade, who is 19 years old, contacted People First because she felt she wasn’t being listened to during an assessment of her care and support needs. Jade struggled to have her…
Daring challenge for the Fab-seiling Four who care
‘Two of them struggle with the height of a stepladder, while the remaining members of the team are in no way relishing the prospect of taking the plunge. But fear and trepidation…
People First and The Halston Become Business Partners
The region’s largest provider of independent advocacy and the Carlisle’s premier hotel and spa have joined forces, announcing the first People First Hospitality Business…
Carlisle Self-Advocacy Group Receive Visit From Police and Crime Commissioner
Over the last couple of months members have welcomed a number of guests at our Carlisle Self-Advocacy Group, ‘Have Your Say’. We have 5 active groups in Cumbria for people with…
Toby's Story: The Impact of Advocacy
This isn’t a topic that people usually talk openly about. In fact sometimes, people start talking about this topic a little too late to make an impact, that is why I thought I…
The Talk-Active Team Design Sensory Garden for Local School
On Thursday 4th July members of the Talk-Active project took part in the ‘Give a Day to the City’ scheme. The Talk-Active project supports young people (10-18) with learning…
People First awarded with charitable status
We are thrilled to have been awarded with charitable status. The Charity Commission for England and Wales has approved our application to formally become a charity. David…