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Marras in Maryport: Youth projects head to Maryport
Each and every month our Youth Projects team run interactive and dynamic activities for young people in Cumbria. From digital experiences to physical experiences. From exploring…
Refugee Week 2021: Speaking Up Training
During this year's Refugee Week, People First Health and Social Care Advocates got out and about delivering training across Lancashire. All about 'Speaking Up', the training was…
A tribute to Helen Horne, a force of good for Cumbria
It is with great sadness that we share the news that Helen Horne, former Chair of Healthwatch Cumbria, has passed away. After fighting advanced lung cancer since February, Helen…
What’s Advocacy, Who’s It For, How Does It Help?
In an ideal world no one would need advocacy support; people would speak up for themselves and be listened to and those who were unable to speak up for themselves would have their…
CFM Cash For Kids named as People First Charity of The Year
The People First Conference Centre has chosen CFM Cash for Kids as our charity of the year 2019. Cash For Kids provides a helping hand for children and young people across Cumbria…
Advocacy Team Host Online Information Sessions
Do you have a relative or friend who lives in a care home or is currently staying in hospital? Have they been assessed as lacking capacity to consent to their care and support? If…
People First Receives Barclays Funding to Expand Vital Support
People First is proud to be one of a hundred charities to become a Barclays UK charity partner. As a partner we are grateful to receive generous funding from Barclays to help us…
Transitioning to Adult Services: Helen and Matt’s Story
Helen, the parent of a young man with the label of a learning difficulty and Autism, accessed People First for Care Act Advocacy support. Helen’s son, Matt, was transitioning from…
Whorlton Hall: Our Response
The horrendous abuse that was taking place at Whorlton Hall in Durham has shocked us all. Unfortunately it has not surprised us. Our organisation, like many others, were just…